Monday, October 18, 2010

Random Bull Thoughts

I haven't posted for a while. Not for lack of material - just lazy I guess.

There have been many great news items to discuss lately but hard to find one that deserves a lot of time. However, there are a few honourable mentions:

The US mid term elections and the rise of the Tea Party, which is not a party according to party officials. This is too easy to pick on and way overdone. I do love the "Back to freedom, small government and low taxes" vanguard - just wish it didn't come with bible thumping retards at the controls.

Bull fighting outlawed in Spain! Fantastic. Maybe, as a species, we are slowly starting to realize that there is nothing sporting or pleasurable about animal abuse. I mean seriously, who doesn't cheer for the Bull? We all love it when that emaciated sword wielding satin wearing poser takes a pair of horns in the silk coin purse right? Yaaay Bull! But now, at least, we don't have to watch that spectacle anymore and can sleep better knowing that all bovine slaughter takes place in a factory where God intended it.

There is an election for the Mayor of Toronto featuring a bunch of bald guys. They are all left wing, even though one claims to be leaning right (probably just his jockey shorts preference). They all claim to have a vision for Toronto - but near as I can tell, these opaque visions were formulated in the mid 1960's in a smoke filled room in Budapest.

Speaking of Dope(s), California may legalize pot, and Canada is watching closely to see if this can work for the 4% of Canadians who don't already have access to pot through the normal channels. The concept makes sense, the war on drugs costs Billions in California - legalizing it means goodbye to smugglers and cross boarder drug traffic, gangs, ATF costs, big black helicopters and drug related crime - and hello to a tightly controlled tax windfall. The spread between the savings and new tax revenue is massive. However, up here, the only cross board issues Canada has is undeclared tariffs on shopping sprees at Super Target stores in Buffalo. So our savings may not be as massive as California predicts, but it would still be cool to drop by a convenience store for a pack of weed. Might help increase the decorative hot dog sales too.

Africa is set to emerge as the next big economy, so they say. I hope they are ready! Right now most Africans have a solid sense of self responsibility that most of the world lacks. In the West we have laws and regulations to address any and every situation, activity, product or human interaction. We are forced (for our own good of course) to wear helmets and seat belts, publish the ingredients of a can of peanuts, pay for religious schooling, buy building permits to do work on our own land and drive on highways with maximum speed limits (except those lucky bastards in Germany). If these laws are contravened, we have criminal courts and civil courts where filing law suits is a vocational mainstay of many citizens. We have created a society with the universal luxury of blame. Anyone but ourselves. Somebody MUST pay for my pain and suffering!

But in many parts of Africa you are under your own responsibility to fend for yourself. If you trip and fall, who will you sue? If your beverage is too hot and you burn yourself - well, I guess you're an idiot and that's the end of it. If someone calls you a bad name in public - I guess you deal with it and call him one back. No slander, no negligence, no Big Brother mandating your safety whether you like it or not. Total freedom to mess up any way you wish. All blame is internalized and all damages limited to your own ability to "be careful". Freedom at it's most extreme and dangerous, but freedom none the less.

So as the major corporations prepare their attack on the African continent (and why not, who doesn't need a Dunkin Donut in the morning) their advance scouts of Lawyers are mapping the environment, getting ready to bring civility and justice to the "backwards" lifestyles of the indigenous people. And the poor bastards thought the missionaries were bad! Next up - Mongolia!!

Talk soon


1 comment:

  1. Tom Hedkvist, 10-gruppenJanuary 1, 2011 at 12:17 PM

    Please support the gay struggle against heterosexual power. We, the gay brotherhood, are determined to rule the world. Join us verbaly and economicaly. Make people change there mind about us and tell them to se us as natural leaders. We have great influence in media and will change the agenda to put down the heterosexual sociaty. Never buy products or services from heterosexuals (worked fine in the village in the 70th, we banished the hetros, now the method is running at Södermalm Stockholm). Christianity and all religions are heterosexual constructions and neds to be changed to benefit homosexual supremacy. Help christian homosexuals to infiltrate and tear down the historical and todays christianity.
    Make the religious people hesitate their beliefs, say that their god and profets are gay, bring a yes-sayer with you (always) that stand on your side, its make it easyer to convince them. Stand in front of a mirror to train speach with confidence, train to say a convincing "no" if somebody understand that the queer-theory is facistic ideology.
    Make the gay network global "you must keep networking". The biggest social network that only consume each others services and products wins (they who doesnt belong to the network will consume the networks products and services and concentrate money to the network).
